Center for Systems and Software Engineering



The COnstructive COst MOdel (COCOMO) model, and a collection of COCOMO-related estimation models and research in various stages of development. These models attempt to estimate impacts on software system cost, development schedule, defect density, and even return on technology investment associated with a variety of software development approaches and processes.


Unified Code Counter (UCC) is a consistent way to size the computer code for collecting historical data, reporting purposes, and inputting into COCOMO suite models. It spans multiple programming languages and utilizes one of two possible Source Lines of Code (SLOC) definitions, physical or logical.


The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model (ICSM) is a principles-based, process framework or meta-model that supports the definition of life-cycle processes based on the characteristics, constraints, and risks associated with a given project or program. It incorporates the system success definition and is both technology and stakeholder aware. The ICSM is incremental and concurrent in nature, has specific approaches for establishing stakeholders’ commitment for those increments before moving forward, and is dependent on evidence- and risk-based decisions.